How To Do Anything
Welcome to How to Do Anything
The Quest to Learn How to Do Anything
Welcome, this is How to Do Anything, the place to come to learn how to do anything you want to do. I’m building it out as I learn to do the things that interest me, or I get asked about that strike my fancy.
Everything from the quick and mundane to the more complex and ostentatious. Eventually I’ll cover it all and show you how to do it too.
I’ll also be covering and sharing other people’s guides that I think are cool or useful or that I’ve figured out how to update or supplement.
Check out our various how-to books on how to do anything. This is an ever growing archive of knowledge to let you become the most learned, capable, and accomplished person you know.
Have a look at our various explanatory featured images and videos. These are the best photos and videos taken from all of our projects with write-ups on each. Definitely worth checking out.
How-To Articles
Read a selection from our free articles. Infinitely free forever and NO-ADVERTISING. These are mostly our simple one stop questions and answers along with basic tutorials.
Top 5 Study Tips
This is no surprise to anyone, but the most important thing for pretty anything in life (entirely in my own opinion), is getting enough sleep. Where studying is concerned, it allows you to better focus and consolidate new memories and data.
You should have a designated study area where you do all your studying and it should be as close as possible to matching a classroom or examination area, due to the phenomena known as a state dependent memory.
Take frequent breaks. Human attention is on average limited to about 20 minutes or so, so make use of the Pomodoro technique and take a 5 minute break every 20 minutes of studying and it will let you keep going all day.
Mnemonics are the techniques that involve combining new data with old memories and dramatic imagery and sensory input in order to rapidly remember and easily recall new information. Learn to use these and develop your own.
The brain and body are one; we are a single, monist organism. You can’t have a healthy brain if you have a terribly unhealthy body. Follow your doctor’s recommendations on dialing in the diet that’s best for your body and brain health, and then stick to it.